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Episode 86

Could L&D Be Replaced By Comms? Dr Hedi Kirby and Loren Sanders Discuss.

Jun 14, 2024
Ashley Headshot
hosted by Ashley Sinclair

Have you ever wondered if L&D could really be replaced by comms? It’s a question Ash has pondered a lot, and in today's episode, she welcomes two industry experts Dr Hedi Kirby and Loren Sanders to talk about the world of learning.

The simple answer is no: They don’t think comms can replace L&D, but they did explore many different thoughts and ideas including: 

  • Are we asking the question “why” enough? (You probably aren’t!)

  • Why Comms, Marketing and L&D go hand in hand.

  • How asking the right questions from the beginning allows you to solve whatever L&D problem you’re facing.

This podcast covers it all, so you won’t want to miss it. Enjoy!


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