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Is marketing a human skill? It’s a question that Han was inspired to answer after The LPI’s latest Learning Live Networks event. And so she’s done just that, by having a one-woman debate on the marketing for learning® podcast. (We know… arguing with herself on a podcast… we always knew she was weird 🙃)
So first things first, what is a human skill? Well you might know them as soft skills, or power skills, but we believe that human is the best description. They’re skills like creativity, mindfulness, empathy and innovation. And it’s Han’s belief that these skills set the best marketers apart.
In this podcast, Han takes a deep dive into the skills L&D need to accelerate their marketing efforts. Notably, Han discusses:
The tactical and technical skills marketers need, such as copywriting, data literacy and tech skills.
The human skills that marketers need to succeed, such as empathy, communication and putting the user first.
How L&Ders can unlock the skills needed to become great marketers, and overcome the engagement problem once and for all.
So grab your headphones, listen up and don't miss this opportunity to take your marketing game to the next level!