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Happy new year everybody! As we embrace a new year, fresh starts and new beginnings – we can’t help but be reflective of the year that we’ve left behind! And what a year it was for the marketing for learning® podcast. In this episode, Han goes back and provides you 5 top takeaways from our most listened to episodes – to save you going all the way back to episode 1!
Our top takeaways from the marketing for learning podcasts of 2022 include:
Learning and Development has an awareness problem, not an engagement problem. And it’s time we start grabbing audience attention and raising awareness if we want our functions to be more successful.
Having a marketing mindset is paramount for L&Ders – which ultimately means you’ve got to put your audience first, be more commercially savvy and collaborate with other business units.
Always, always, always answer the "what's in it for me?" question, explaining to learners why content is relevant and how it will help them at work.
Learning campaigns are a must to increase marketing for learning efficacy – enabling you to convey messaging in a compelling way.
Data is your best friend when it comes to marketing for learning. L&D should start using data to measure the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and to make informed decisions about future activities.
Applying these top 5 takeaways will transform your L&D communications, so listen in, take some notes and get actioning!