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Episode 44


Mar 07, 2023
Ashley Headshot
hosted by Ashley Hinchcliffe
Ep 44 Think Different

Settle in for a very different, yet very inspiring episode of the marketing for learning podcast. In this episode, Ash reads to you Steve Jobs’ famous 1997 speech about Apple’s Think Different campaign.

In this speech Jobs talks about:

  • The importance of values in marketing.

  • How even great brands like Apple require continued marketing investment.

  • The importance of staying relevant in marketing.

And he also hits on one important aspect that both Ash and Han talk about a lot… why it’s important to market your benefits and values, instead of your features, if you want real marketing impact.

So whether you’ve heard this speech before or not, brace yourself to be inspired by one of the most famous visionaries of our time. Enjoy!


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