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Episode 17

The Value Proposition Canvas

Mar 14, 2022
Ashley Headshot
hosted by Ashley Hinchcliffe
The Value Proposition Canvas

Do you know what your people want and need? Can you accurately and succinctly explain how the features, benefits and experience of your learning offering meet your people’s expectations? No? Well then you need a value proposition canvas (VPC). The VPC is a framework that makes sure your product (your learning offering) matches the needs and expectations of your customers (your learners).

The value proposition canvas makes such a difference because it changes how you think. Instead of being driven by business mandates and instructions from internal stakeholders, you’re putting your end user first. And you’re thinking carefully about how what they want translates into your learning offering. Somewhere in between the two is the magic of marketing.

When completing your value proposition canvas you must put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Think about how your learners really feel. Take off the learning hat for a while and think about what else is impacting them on a day-to-day basis. Do they have challenges at work? Do they have distractions at home? Consider all of this when you’re filling out your VPC, especially the right-hand side.

Ash goes into a lot of detail about the VPC in this podcast (obvs), so give it a listen and then fill out your own value proposition canvas! It will transform how you think about marketing in L&D, and as such, improve your learner engagement. #yourewelcome


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